I have seen similar things suggested also; but have not tried it myself. How well did it work for you when you made it and took the starter along for your campfire? Did it take you more than one of these, or does one do the trick? When you made your fire, do you still use the same amount of kindling that you usually do, or does it catch fast enough that you didn't have to use as much kindling?
The campfire starter that i saw the instructions for was kind of a savings tip, as well as for going camping. It just said to save your toilet paper rolls, fill them with the lint from your dryer, and then you could take an old candle, light it, and let the melting wax drip down into the dryer lint. It was basically a fire starter made with stuff we all throw away all of the time. it was also supposed to be wonderful for starting your BBQ, which is what i am likely to use it for.