I have to agree with post #2. I have two dogs, and one of them is a crazy rescue that likes to romp around and explore on her own and she mostly listens to commands when we're in the house, but once she sees a squirrel or finds something to sniff, she's off like a rocket and good luck catching her! Our other dog, however, is a trained and certified therapy dog, and she always listens to commands -- she'll stay seated with a treat on her paw and not eat it until you tell her it's okay. So usually, we leave Misha the rescued crazy-dog with my aunt and we take Brooke with us. (By some sad twist of fate, Misha's the one that doesn't get carsick and Brooke gets motion sickness so horrible on car trips that we often have to basically knock her out with medicine!) In conclusion I'd say it just depends on the animal's temperament and how worried you are about losing them. I wouldn't take an animal with you camping if it was just going to be leashed to a tree the whole time, that's no fun for them or you!