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Search results

  1. M

    Post your favorite Mountain views here!

    I love hiking mountains! I love being at that summit and looking over the valley. Feeling the breeze from on top of the mountain really makes you appreciate beauty and life. I would to see some pictures of your favorite mountain hikes. Could be you and friends on the trail all the way up to the...
  2. M

    Camping Nude

    I never heard of a nude camping resort. Sounds fun but I don't know if I would try it. Just thinking about the dirt and bug kind of skeeves me out. Do you guys actually camp out in tents or is it more like a cabin type resort? Are you sleeping on the ground and everything? Maybe if it was more...
  3. M

    Does colour matters?

    I agree with that dark colors absorb more sun, making you feel more hot and uncomfortable. When being outside I try to keep to lighter colors because I hate the feeling of being overly hot. I remember one time I went hiking on a warm, sunny day and I wore a black tank top with black wind pants...
  4. M

    The Adirondack Park, NY

    I'm from central New York. I live about an hour from Old Forge, which has some great camping and mountains to hike. So every year from summer to fall my family and I love to get out there as much as possible. I have hiked some mountains in the park as well. My brother and I would love to...
  5. M


    I live in central New York and we usually have way more snow than we know what to do with. Growing up I use to love the amount of snow we would get. I was always outside with my friends, family or my dog playing. Either making an awesome snow fort, chasing my dog or having a snowball fight with...
  6. M

    Other hobbies?

    Besides camping and enjoying the outdoors, I love taking pictures. Photography as been a hobby of mine for quite a while. It really goes well with my love for camping and definitely my love for the outdoors. Whenever I'm out on a hike, I always have my camera with me. At any moment there could...
  7. M

    Forced Off The Main Trail

    Here in New York the rangers do an excellent work of clearing the trail. Personally, I have never been forced off a trail but I honestly think I would never deviate when the path. The trail marks are there for a reason and it could be extremely dangerous. Especially on a mountain. My brother and...
  8. M

    Carrying Water

    Usually if I'm going to hike up a mountain, I like to carry with me a far amount of water. Depending on how tough the hike is up the mountain. Usually I will have a half gallon jug of water in my backpack and then a water bottle at my side for easy access. I also like to take a good amount of...
  9. M

    Tight or loose clothes

    I like to wear clothes that make me feel comfortable. I don't what to worry about dealing with something that is making me feel awful the entire time that I am outdoors. I always tend to wear layer. It's better to able to take off clothes and put them back on then to not have the right amount of...
  10. M

    Post your best nature/scenery photos here

    On Top of Rocky Mountain in the Adirondacks as a storm is rolling in. One of my most favorite hikes
  11. M


    Here is central NY we have had an awful problem with ticks in the past couple of years. Where you can't go out into the woods without getting at least of them on you. I live in a suburban town and my brother has pulled off many ticks from his dogs. And they are just in his backyard. It really...
  12. M

    Have you ever seen a flying squirrel?

    I have never seen one in person but my dad lives out in the woods. He has one of those motion cameras you strap to a tree. He likes to see what kind of animals come around a night. He leaves food for them and everything. He shows me these pictures when I go to visit him. There are deer, rabbits...
  13. M

    Fall Foliage

    I'm from Central New York. I think around here has the best fall foliage. Visiting the Adirondacks during the fall can really take your breath away. Especially if you are on top one of the mountains and you get that view of the valley below. It really is a site to behold. My dad always had said...
  14. M

    Hiking at Night

    Thanks for the tips! Although I hardly ever hike at night, it great knowing these tips! Thanks again.
  15. M

    Favorite mountain to Hike in the Adirondacks?

    I am from central New York. Being from here, we have access to some of the most beautiful mountains in the Adirondacks. I have done about 5 of the peaks in the Adirondack park. My favorite from the ones I have done has to be Blue Mountain and Rocky Mountain. If you have hiked in the Adirondacks...
  16. M

    Hello from Central, NY

    Hi everyone! I am super excited to see what everyone has to say. I hope everyone has a great day!