I live in central New York and we usually have way more snow than we know what to do with. Growing up I use to love the amount of snow we would get. I was always outside with my friends, family or my dog playing. Either making an awesome snow fort, chasing my dog or having a snowball fight with my friends in the neighborhood. My dad had two snowmobiles. He and I would take those out on super long trail rides and spend some time together. Those are some great memories with my dad. Whenever we would get a big snow storm the neighborhood kids, my brothers and I would play tackle football out on the street. So many amazing memories I have because of snow. Now that I am older, I can't stand the stuff. We recently got about 10 inches and I was out shoveling my driveway and I thought to myself "why do I live in this kind of climate?" Seriously, I choose to live in a state that about 6-7 months out of the year it's cold outside. I love New York State during the spring, fall and summer. The fall is especially pretty because of all the leaves changing but man, the winters can be brutal!