Northern Dancer
It is winter time and so for the campers, hikers, cross country ski folks, snowmobile enthusiasts, fisher "people" and others who are out in the snow here are some tips/reminders about lakes and streams.
Some basic Tips
Pay attention to local warning signs - they are there for a reason. Probably not wise to be alone. When I was younger I did that. Other than my dog there was no one to assist me should I need help. I always carried a screamer whistle and placed where I could easily get to. An organized plan of escape is a good idea for any winter outdoor activity. Check out those phones and make sure they actually work in the area you are in.
Check the Ice
In general, blue, clear ice is stronger than milky ice that has been through repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Snow is an insulator. Ice covered by snow or slush can be thinner and should be presumed questionable early in the season.
In general, warm spells and spring are most dangerous times of year. The ice can be brittle and more likely to fracture.
Check the Thickness
4 inches or less, stay off ice
5–7 inches can support an ATV or snowmobile
8–12 inches can support a car or small pickup
33+ inches can support a midsize truck
So what happens if you should fall in?
The first thing you do is ditch any equipment or prize possessions you are holding onto. You life if more important than things.
Manage your natural panic.
Try to get out the way you came in. It’s the most stable ice you can be sure of.
Place both hands on the ice’s surface. Stretch out and reach over solid ice.
If you have a knife or keys, use them as mechanical claws to clutch the ice and pull yourself out. Your gloves should be able to provide some traction.
Kick your legs. Kick your legs up, parallel to the ice. Use your hands and arms to pull up onto the ice. Continue to shimmy onto the ice.
Stay prone and roll away. When you make it out distribute your weight across the ice as much as possible. Roll out the way you came in. This will continue to distribute your weight and get you out as quick and safely as possible.
Get inside, get out of your wet clothes, get warmed up, and get medical attention if you feel disoriented or are shivering uncontrollably.
Review videos about water safety in the winter. If you are going out with a group - have a plan; talk about safety issues. "What happens if?