Planning my fall fishing and camping trip. This may be 3 months away and only a couple of nights, but it is helping me pass the time at work, and gives me something to ponder on and look forward to. I read an article in a local outdoor magazine where a couple of people did a 5 day 4 night trip down a river not far away, and gave some details of islands they camped on and shuttle info. This river is a little over an hour away from my home. I have been on it only a couple of times and I know very little about it. I know it is free flowing and runs down from the mountains of North Carolina and empties in a lake near Knoxville tn. It is a good small mouth bass, catfish, and bream fishery and does have some musky in it. I always combine my fishing and camping "Goes Together Like Peas and Carrots".
The blue dots are possible camping spots.
Work in progress.
Work in progress.