Novice Camper
The big three are heavy tents, Quinzhees (snow forts), and igloos. Of the three, igloos were judged the warmest, with Quinzhees coming in 2nd - and last, the heavy tents. Anyway, the heat increase of the igloo was significant - so surely, the Eskimos know what they're doing!
Has anyone tried any of these winter camping shelters?
Oh, by the way, looking at expense, the Quinzhee is the cheapest, 2nd, the igloo, and finally the tent - even though, oddly enough, it isn't the best - but then again, there isn't always snow!
Oh, by the way, looking at expense, the Quinzhee is the cheapest, 2nd, the igloo, and finally the tent - even though, oddly enough, it isn't the best - but then again, there isn't always snow!
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