I tend to agree with BMWPOWER. And in addition to that I feel corporations share some of the blame, I will explain. My father always worked in some type of manufacturing company until he retired about 20 years ago. Used to people didn't work so much excessive overtime as we do now. I was in a management position before 09, and I saw it coming. Once the economy slowed in this country during 2008, corporations found that it was more economical (or in other words, increase their share holders profits) to run a department with as few people as possible. For example, my department has 3 people per 8 hour shift. Everything runs good and their profits are up. If all 9 of us are off for a 2 day weekend, the electric is still on to the equipment. Machinery with hydraulic units stay running because machining accuracy and movements will not be as efficient if hydraulic fluids cool from a shut down. Lots of production hydraulic, pneumatic and computer controlled equipment suffer in various ways from being shut down. The heat and air for the entire building has to be maintained as well as sensitive measure equipment that is susceptible to temperature changes.
So what companies have figured out is, it is more cost effective to keep all operations and equipment running all the time, in most cases. To keep your employee head count to a bare minimum because of the cost of employees benefits like vacation time, unemployment insurance and taxes which are usually paid up within the 1st 40 hours of work except the taxes, Monday through Friday. If a machine line becomes efficient enough to get all orders done with in a 5 day work week, then guess what. More business will be sought out to keep that line running through the 6th day. I have seen lines shut down and moved out and the extra work given to an existing line that was getting their orders done in a normal 5 day week. Machine utilization.
Ok now how this effects the people working, and I have done it for 4 years straight. When you are forced to work 6 to 7 days a week, you tend to sit in front of the television and eat out more. It's hard to get off from work and go do normal outside adventure things because you are to tired, and have only maybe at best 15 hours, I have done and seen lots of people working 5 or 6 12 hour days for months on end, before you have to be back to work. People will buy all kinds of things in hopes that they will enjoy and use them (consuming) Employee, machine and building will be utilized as cost effective as possible so the profit margin will be larger.
Not trying to place blame on any person or position. It's nothing personal, but investors want more bang for their buck. They never meet the people producing the peoduct they are invested in. More people now work lots more overtime than our parents and grandparents. Leaves little time for outdoor activities.